
Monday, January 16, 2012

Chemo Today :(

I go for chemo treatments every Monday. I usually sleep half way thru it because they give me an IV of Benadryl for nausea. By the time i get home from chemo, I'm exhausted. My love of crochet is certainly a God send for me. If i didn't have my crochet to occupy my mind, I'd probably go crazzzzzzzzy! Crochet gives me something to look forward to every day. I get very excited when a new idea pops into my head for a new pattern, and I can't wait to finish what I'm working on and get started on a new creation. It keeps my mind occupied with creativity and excitement, instead of dwelling on my cancer, having chemo once a week for the rest of my life, and dying. :( Yes, I think I'll continue to design and crochet my creations that i love sooooo much and try my very, very best to make my blog a huge success! My goal is to reach people that love to crochet as much as I do, share my free patterns with them, and I'll be leaving a part of myself behind in my creations, and when God does decide he wants me to meet Him at the Gates Of Heaven, I'll have a ball of yarn and my crochet hook in my dress pocket! Lol ... ;)


  1. I'm so glad you are bringing your visions to life. You have always had the ability to make that happen, no matter what your projects are. I am so proud of you for being such a smart, talented, and strong woman. You will never know how much I love 'YOU' for being who you are. You are such a special person you just don't realize how special! You have always been a light in my life, and always will be. I could just squeeze you like crazy lol. I love you xoxo!!!!!!!
